Tuesday 27 December 2011

al mulk

how to conduct Al-Mulk.

  1. wake up all the dorm-mates who were sleeping and call the other dorm-mates to gather at the center of the dorm . 
  2. bersimpuh...alas kaki with towel, blanket, cadar (yang pakai baju kelawar tekecuali hehe) .
  3. tunjuk each other,,,who going to conduct the ceremony for that night..haha .
  4. then the one who going to open the al mulk is ready to conduct..she will say Assalamualaikum..
  5. we opened our ceremony tonight with Al Fatihah .
  6. we are going to read Al Fatihah again .
  7. we are  going to selawat 11 times .
  8. we are  going to read ayat Kursi .
  9. then we are going to read Al Mulk .
  10. then Al Hasyr yang belakang punye part .
  11. surah Al Kafirun .
  12. surah Al Ikhlas .
  13. surah Al Falaq .
  14. surah An Naas .
  15. then we are going to read " Bismillahhillazi.." .
  16. the person who conduct going to read a doa .
  17. then she going to give tazkirah.(miss this part) .
  18. then she will give a chance to others dorm-mates to give some additions .
  19. then we going to closed the ceremony with Tasbih Kafarah and Al Asr 

 ni kalau kat asrama...
kalau dekat rumah pulerr..

  1. ambil tafsir .
  2. pakai tudung or telekung .
  3. duduk dekat katil .
  4. Al Fatihah .
  5. Al Mulk .
  6. Habis .
sedih jugak sebab kekadang telepas telupe nak baca
tapi jom try to make it as our routine..
we'll try together..yeehaa..
kekawan..kalau free ingatkan kite..kite ingatkan korang..

Haa...mak tanye kenape bace Al Mulk ?
Mak..kawan amy cakap al mulk ni pendinding..
dalam buku cakap al mulk dapat elak from azab kubur hehe..

notakaki : kitepostinientrysebabteringatmaseAlMulkdekatdormE15!missyoudude!

1 comment:

musnet.blogspot said...

al-mulk masih menjadi runtin,,
al-mulk di rumah kite same
cume,, part no 2 lain ckit~
saye ambik selimut terus :)
